This recession is starting to bite and business profits are starting to become affected. The time may well have arrived when we start to think seriously about hiring a cost reduction consultant.
So where are the potential cost cutting areas in a business? Well this differs for each and every business however there are certain general business costs which can be looked at for the majority of businesses.
To start with there are potential telecom cost reductions. This includes obtaining cheaper business telephone calls, lower mobile phone bills, cheaper BT line rental and cheap calls in general.
The business cost reduction consultants are likely to be able to advise you on the potential savings that your business could make and this does not mean that you necessarily have to change the business telephone number.
As well as lower telecoms costs there are also lower charges to be had within the utilities, for example lower electricity costs. Then there is attempting to save money on the business broadband, the internet server costs, the printing and stationary costs as well as advertising costs.
These are just a few of many many changes that can be made which could ultimately enable your business to survive in this tough recession.
I run a stuttering therapy business and I have managed to save some serious cash by appointing a cost reduction expert.
I actually know a number of small business owners that have also managed to save money in this way such as one that offers training for foster carers.
Would I recommend other small businesses and even the large corporations to attempt to cut costs in this way? You bet I would. This credit crunch would have been all the more difficult to cope with had I not found these ways of reducing my business costs. When doing my accounting I have to say that the overheads of the company sure look a lot better these days.
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Monday, November 2, 2009
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